West flug

  • Director: Ioseb Bakuradze
  • Theatre:Theaterensemble “Die Gaste”
  • Hosting Theatre :Movement Theatre
  • Date:
    • 28 September - 20:00 hr,
    • 29 September - 20:00 hr,

Dato Turashvili

Director: Ioseb Bakuradze

Scenography by: Mariam Miqadze

Costumes Designer: Mariam Miqadze

Composer: Sandro Nikoladze


Zaza Doksanovi, Beka Turmanidze, Valerian Mandzulashvili, Tamara Burduli


About the performance:

The play “West Flug” ("Generation of Jeans") by the theater ensemble "Guests" is played from the end to the beginning. This is a theatrical trick of a storytelling, a story about the "victims" of the Soviet system, because the play tells about a group of young people living in the Soviet Union in the 80s, known as the "Airplane Boys".


Duration : 60 minutes , without intermission


Theaterensemble “Die Gaste” was founded by Tamar Burduli and Valerian Mandzulashvili, immigrants living in the city of Koln (Germany) and in 2024 they played the first premiere - "West flug" in the Gallus Theater in Frankfurt.

The concept of Theaterensemble “Die Gaste” is to revive the text of modern Georgian authors on the stage


General Manager:  Tamar Burduli
Contact Information:  Tel: +1575760093


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